There are many themes being thrown around for the upcoming year of 2015. A well devised theme is not really what we need for the times in which we live. Honestly, WE NEED GOD!!!! We need to repent of our sins, we need to get a burden for the lost, we need love each other and we need to align ourselves to the corporate body that God has assigned us to. God doesn’t let us pick and chose what church we’ll attend, He assigns us. We can’t follow our friends we have to be led by the Spirit.
Many are falling away from the corporate body known as the local church. The devil has convinced people that they don’t need the church nor a pastor. People are maliciously and boldly critiquing church leaders. Many are betraying spiritual Fathers and even denying the concept, while others have become judge and jury of the saints.
Oh yeah, lets not forget the people who use to stand by our sides and served faithfully who became unfruitful and disappeared because of the cares of this world and the pursuit and deceitfulness of riches.
The way I see it, with planes falling out of the sky, North Korea with a nuke, Russia with nukes, Afghanistan and it’s Christian genocide, ISIS, Taliban, Global warming, an unsure economy, a divided government and real racial tension spilled over into our streets. We don’t need a well devised theme for this upcoming year. We don’t need a money gimmick where everybody gives multiples of 2015. The way I see it: WE NEED GOD!!!
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin