Ever since I’ve been preaching I have taken the headlines from the weeks news reports and then shared relevant messages with my congregation the same week. Its how I preach. I have taught for 27 years that, “We need a bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other.” So it would be normal for me to speak to last weeks Supreme Court decision. It’s what I’ve always done and what I do. Let me share with you just one coward’s email to me about what I shared on Sunday and trust me they didn’t hear the message. They probably based their commentary on the topic alone. If they had heard the message they would probably send me roses for telling the truth. Here is the email:
Email form anonymous sender:
“I was wondering when you would get to the message of this Sunday’s 6/28 topic. As most African American churches are choosing to do today you preached on homosexuality. And like you fellow clergy bothers you have used your position to spread lies, distort the truth of the bible and encourage hate in your community. You Sir are the definition of a false profit.”
The least they could have done is state their name and gave a few points that were lies and the distortion of the truth. The message Sunday was of love for everyone.
Here is an excerpt from the message:
“So what are we to do? What’s our job? I have numerous gay friends and we have some members I’m sure and we have gay neighbors and even gay enemies. And we are taught to love our enemies.
a. Let me say this, every man and woman wants to be loved, befriended, be
accepted and experience forgiveness regardless of sexual orientation.
b. We can’t reject anyone who comes to Christ for any of these things God so
freely offers.
But we can’t ignore what the bible says and we can’t compromise our standards just so we don’t offend folk, whether they be gay and straight.
People despite their behaviors or lifestyles are made in the image of God. Because of this fact EVERYONE is a candidate for God’s grace, love and mercy.
We can’t continue to bash gays, disrespect them and make fun of them because of their sexual preference. Stop it.
We are called to SPEAK THE TRUTH IN LOVE.
We’ve got to know the scriptures and teach and preach God’s view on the matter.
Even speaking the truth in love today, I run the risk today of being called a bigot, judgmental, narrow minded and deceived, just from this simple rehearsal of truth and personal experience taken from printed materials that address this issue.”
This is just an excerpt from the message. There is no hate here, error here. Just love here.
But I also said this during the message:
“What people who just can’t or don’t accept this line of reasoning do is: Flat out deny the authority of the bible and pick on the sins of the writers and all Christians who simply share what they believe.”
Why is it that a Christian’s commentary or objection to a gay issue is considered homophobic and hateful but anything said from the other side of the issue has to be heard and supported and now even legislated? It’s rhetorical no need to respond.
I know this is long but it’s something we should be prepared for. All current events and topics should be addressed from the pulpit as they unfold.
Jeremiah 3:15 “I will give you pastor according to my own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Pastors we should deal with ALL current events so that our people will be ready to give an answer to all who ask of them.
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin