It doesn’t take a whole lot of scripture to understand that these types of things don’t make sense. We need to stop believing God for something he never promised and stop rebuking God for requiring some integrity, character and biblical faith in order to see miraculous things happen in our lives.
It’s not what we say “only” that gets things done. It’s really what God has said about what we say that makes things happen for us. Mark 11:22 says, “Have faith in God.” Not faith in your faith or faith in foolish teaching, preaching and preachers. God wants the best for us all. The blessing of Abraham are ours through Christ. We should know that salvation is unconditional but the blessings of God are conditional. Gen. 28 the entire chapter.
This is in response to an inbox message from a person who just does not understand why stuff keeps happening to them when they’ve done everything the “man on tv” said that they should do to keep the devil out of their business. May I add and they do not mind me saying that they “don’t believe” that they are “as saved” as most folk. Secondly, they are “shacking up”. They like the preachers on tv that are positive and talk about what you can get from God by giving. Their problem is with people like me that tell folk that they need to get right with God first. They say that negative preaching is a turn off. Go figure!!
2Tim 4:2-3
2Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
Just something to think about. There is a big difference between seeking the “hand of God” and “seeking the face of God.” The results are day and night.
“I love God, you don’t love God, what’s wrong with you?” :o)
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin