The biggest church, the best church, the best choir, the best preacher means absolutely nothing to God! Instead of being many churches in a city that make up the one church in the city, we’re many churches in the city competing to be the one and best church in the city.
God is trying to get us preachers to wean our people off of our sermons and off of a need for our presence in order to function. Jesus taught his disciples for his absence. It is our job to equip the people that come to hear our sermons to do the work of the ministry. It is our job to empower them to succeed us and do greater works than we do.
Every member is a minister. Every member has a gift. No gift is greater than another. Never forget that no gift is greater than love. Yes, some preachers are better preachers than others and some churches are better than some others. But when you’re walking in love you don’t compete, you complete.
If you are more interested in the next conference that you’re having at your church or more interested in attending the next big conference coming to a city near you than you are in feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and visiting the sick and the afflicted you may need a spiritual heart transplant. Jesus anointed us to loose all that are oppressed of the devil. (Economically, Educationally, Socially and Spiritually.)
Please, let the church be the church!!!! God is calling us to be better and to do better.
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin