I’ve noticed that there are people who lust to have what someone else that appears to be successful has but don’t want to go through what they went through to get it. All of the great men and women found in the Bible joined in tandem with God and had to fight for what God had promised them. By the way, think about it, every successful person in the Bible and in our day that have achieved some degree of notoriety amongst God and man have all been “FLAWED BUT FAITHFUL”.
Isn’t it good to know that you don’t have to be perfect to be used by God. You don’t have to have it all together to accomplish something meaningful and lasting.
Lastly, you don’t have to live up to other folks expectations of you or even live down to their critique of you. All you have to do is “you”. Just do you!!!!
All Moses had was a stick and a stutter. All David had was a slingshot and a few rocks. All Gideon had was a few men who drink like dogs with lanterns. All Jesus had was a cross and a tomb.
God can take whatever he has already given you to do what he has created you to do before you were ever born. We just have to have the faith to believe that without being perfect and without living up to other’s opinions about us we can live a life that is both dynamic as well as pleasing and acceptable to God.
Romans 5:2 NLT
2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.
It ain’t easy, it ain’t free, and it’s not without a fight. But as flawed as you are, if you’ll remain faithful to God, you too can accomplish great things through Christ who strengthens us all.
Be all that God wants “you” to be. Do all that God wants “you” to do. Fight your “own” battles and get your “own” victories for the glory of God. Remember Romans 5 says, it’s an undeserved privilege that we have because of what Christ has done for us.
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin
Bishop, it is a time that tries us all! However the victory is ours through the Lord Jesus Christ that I believe as the Word says ‘God causes us to triumph through the Lord Jesus Christ….further “this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith”