“If God is speaking to you to start over again, then hit the reset button in your ministry, in your life, in your marriage or just in your mind.”

Hey everybody. The Potter’s House has just relaunched. What do I mean? We’ve started over again. Hundreds of members literally hit the reset button this past Sunday and declared “If He did it before, He’ll do it again.” We have new life, new vision, new direction, and God has give us a new beginning.
There are a whole lot of people and ministries who need to just admit that they have plateaued and have hit a ceiling. If you’ve become stagnant and are beginning to decline you need to start over again. God showed us as a ministry that we had, “Outgrown our organizational structure and exceeded our leadership capacity”. We realized that we have literally done everything that God told us to do when we got started 28 years ago and now it’s time for us to do what He’s telling us do if we expect to be successful in the future.
If God is speaking to you to start over again, then hit the reset button in your ministry, in your life, in your marriage or just in your mind.
We’ve started over. God’s gonna do it again. Let Him do it again for you. I’M EXCITED!!!


—-Vaughn McLaughlin