This is what I saw and this is what I see.
(It’s long but may be worth the read.)
Hurricane Matthew: A GIFT FROM GOD.
I just woke up from a long nap after traveling all night from the West-coast. Lord do I feel better. When I came in from California I heard and saw all the reports of Hurricane Matthew. I also saw massive and orderly preparation of millions of people for this upcoming massive storm. I saw people of every walk of life, black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, homeless, straight, gay, trans, saved and unsaved all preparing for this coming storm. I saw no discrimination. I saw one body of people working together in order to save their lives and to secure their future.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could be this alert, this prepared, this knowledgeable and work this orderly together in regard to the upcoming spiritual storm that’s about to hit this country. Somebody needs to point out that this is a sign to us here in this country that our lives are at stake. We need to be reminded that our future is hanging in the balance.
The prophets are prophesying. (That would be the newscasters.)
The Pastors are preaching and teaching. (Governors and local mayors and local authorities.)
The ministries are serving. (That would be the multiple agencies working together to make sure that the needs of the people are met. Especially, the poor, the homeless and disenfranchised.)
Here is what I see:
Nah 1:3 TMSG
3 But God doesn’t lose his temper. He’s powerful, but it’s a patient power. Still, no one gets by with anything. Sooner or later, everyone pays. Tornadoes and hurricanes are the wake of his passage,
Storm clouds are the dust he shakes off his feet.
When God allows this kind of storm to take place, it is not an accident. He’s not hiding somewhere while this kind of storm is occurring. The clouds are the dust of His feet. He is in the midst of the storm. Some of it may be judgment, but most of it is to teach us who He is and to remind us of his power and how patient He is. He could destroy us with a blink of His eye but this type of storm brings everyone to ponder the might, strength and whereabouts of God.
Here is what I see. Hurricane Matthew could be the beginning of a walk with God for many people. Matthew means, “Gift of God.” Jehovah’s gift. The free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Several people have asked me where is God at a time like this. He’s still where He has always been. He’s on the throne, He’s in charge of the storms and the winds and He’s giving us a gift. Hurricane Matthew is coming. Receive it as a gift from God who is reminding us of his patient power and what He has already done to save our lives and to secure our future.
Matthew “Gift of God.” Wake up. Here is what I saw.
“I saw people of every walk of life, black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, homeless, straight, gay, trans, saved and unsaved all preparing for this coming storm. I saw no discrimination. I saw one body of people working together in order to save their lives and to secure their future.” I saw the church being the church.
Prophets prophesying.
Pastors preaching and teaching.
The ministries of Christ serving.
Let’s go church. The harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. Open your hearts, your homes and your lives and let those who fear the storm be introduced to the one who is behind the storm and in the midst of the storm. Show them the one who can calm the real storm in their lives. Show them Jesus and let him escort them into the presence of the Father. There is room for everybody in heaven who wants to go God’s way.
Eph 2:8 TMSG
8 Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to finish!