This post is actually in appreciation for the sheep that followed me to Africa. Each one of them has touched my life in ways that have my heart overflowing like a proud parent who witnessed their child do something that no one thought was possible. The love and bond that was formed with this team of Jesus lovers I find unexplainable.
Ligia Sam’s smile and her willingness to change seats on the safari showed that she has the Holy Ghost.
😮) She also has a word in her belly.
Tiffany Lloyd’s smile and Virgin Island accent in the midst of folk speaking Shona and broken English made her feel right at home.
(To see her jump from that bridge
spoke volumes to me about her
courage and her faith in God.)
Phil and Jaelyn Burks need their own reality show. (Their humor and candor balanced our mission trip to serve the continent of Africa.) PS, and I love to hear Big Fil call me “Pop!”. Sounds so much like my son Stevo and when Jae’ says “Dad” I melt.
Ms. Slater reminding us that “We are in another man’s territory.” Kept us moving when things got a little hairy.
(Enough said.)
Pastor Jermaine Johnson’s safari encounter with an elephant was classic. (Love that dude)
Byron Taylor “my nephew” did a bang up job, not just with video production but I saw reconstruction in his own life. I’m encouraged about a lot of things concerning him after this trip.
Alex Hill represented all of our musicians well and made an impact on the folk in Africa. I saw a transformation take place in his life. I wept as he made his way to the altar and humbly submitted himself to God. He is my spiritual son and I’ll never let him go. (He made us laugh.)
Tiffany Patrick. Last but not least. A light, a free spirit, a joy and a joy to be around. I have officially adopted her into the McLaughlin Family. I weep now thinking about the twinkle in her eyes and that contagious smile that would warm any cold heart and give hope to any lost soul. I’m grateful for God giving her to me to keep me young and hopeful that the future is bright. If I could reproduce her I would and I promise you the world would be blessed.
Well, I’m just thinking out loud and wanted everyone who kept up with us to know that this crew was absolutely what God ordered for Zimbabwe, (AND ME)!!
Thanks, guys. I needed you this week and you came through for me. I could not have done this week without you.
Thanks, with a filled heart and watery eyes. (Bishop Vaughn)
You will never, ever, never ever be the same again, IN JESUS NAME!!!