How chaotic has your life gotten? Has the devil lifted his ugly head? Have you done something that has caused you to lose your peace, your joy? Do you feel overworked and underpaid, underappreciated and overlooked? Here is what you need to know: GOD SPECIALIZES IN CHAOS.
In the book of Genesis, chapter 1, the word says that the earth was void and without form. Nothing was in order and everything was chaotic but then it says that the Spirit was hovering over it.
You see it? The Spirit was at work where there was nothing happening. Whenever it looks like nothing is happening and everything is falling apart you need to know that the Spirit of God is attracted to you. God is attracted to the chaos, bedlam, confusion, hurt and pain in our lives. He’s so concerned about the mess that we’ve gotten ourselves in that he sent the Son of God out of heaven to the earth to die for our sins and rise again to fix what was broken in our lives.
What would you say if I were to tell you that God is waiting today to fix what’s wrong in your life and to bring order out of your current mess. Never forget that the Spirit is hovering over your chaos and He’s gonna move when God says move. Or, maybe He will move if you ask Him yourself! Let’s do that:
Father, move in the lives of your people and bring order out of any current chaos. Father, restore unto us the joy of your salvation. Fix what’s broken, heal what’s hurting. Father, fight for us and keep our enemies from reigning and ruling over us. Father, if we’ve committed any sins that has caused our current condition of feeling overwhelmed, forgive us and give us another chance to get it right. In Jesus name. Amen
I just felt in my spirit that somebody needs some relief. Be blessed.
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin