On this second day of our Covenant Fellowship Fall Conference, Pastor Dexter Upshaw, Jr. of New Vision International Ministries used the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman found in John 4 to illustrate the approach we should use to reach the Millennial generation.
Jesus met the Samaritan woman where she was, without concern for cultural norms. He was sensitive to the framework from which she thought. He met her felt needs then addressed her spiritual condition. And He dealt with her questions, gently moving her from religion to relationship. As her eyes were opened, she ran to tell everyone she knew about the man she had met. Likewise, when we win Millennials, we broaden our reach and gain access to their social networks. God is raising a generation of people who will commit their lives to the gospel of Christ. The Samaritan woman’s thirst was met with living water. As the body of Christ, we must be thirsty for God and thirsty for winning souls ripe for the harvest!!!