Then I dined at one of the best restaurants in town. I literally saw the who’s who in Jacksonville come in and out of the doors. I saw Ray Ray and Pookie dem’ too. The service and the food was off the charts.
Then when I was done dining I went bowling in a state of the art bowling center with game room. 22 lanes with a great snack bar no smoking or bar.
A major government agency was having a bowling party while I was there.
Then I realized I had never left the church campus. All of these entities were in the same Mall. And the beauty of it is, it’s all owned and operated by the church and belongs to the kingdom. The entire Mall.
Then I stopped and gave God praise for His abundant grace in blessing His people to bless other people.
Temple Builders Fitness Center, The Soulfood Bistro, Kingpins Bowling Center all here to serve the community and to economically empower the people of God. All apart of the vision of the Potters House International Ministries.
Thank you Lord. I love working out, eating and bowling.
—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin