Don’t rush through these. Think about them. There is a shift taking place in the earth and God’s being very particular about who he’s going to use. Choose the one you think hits home to you and write a brief comment and let’s discuss it. I’m up on the West Coast and feel a stirring in my spirit.
Here are some excerpts and quotes that God spoke to me:
“Change can be exciting or excruciating. Those who are called of God will always find it to be exciting. Folk who ain’t right, change is painful.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“Stop giving the devil the credit for your struggles. It’s God that’s making you uncomfortable and uneasy. Not the devil. Glory”
—Vaughn McLaughlin”
“You ever get a tweet from God or God speaks to you and you try and share it with you spouse or spiritual partner and they don’t pay you any attention cause they are too busy cracking up on the street fights on WorldStarHiphop. Or watching their 40th youtube video?”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“God wants to anoint some folk with the ability to line up their faith with heaven even though nothing on earth is even paying attention to you nor cooperating with what you need to get done.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“There is nothing more frustrating to a senior leader than to see someone in their local church who thinks THEY are READY to start “their own” church or do something great for God, but all of their ducks are not in a row”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“Jesus is now standing in the midst of a church where people are more concerned about position and titles and whose preaching this week, then they are about praying and serving and who is Lord every week.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“The anointing is not for you to make it to TBN. It is not so you can be loved by all. To become popular. Well followed online, liked
on Facebook, followed on Twitter. Jesus was simply anointed to destroy the works of the devil.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“Yes, preaching Jesus is an art but following Jesus is a command. John the Baptist preached about Jesus but check the record, he never followed Jesus.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“Watch out and stay away from people who are happy with
serving God without seeing God move.”
—Vaughn McLaughlin
“It’s time to stop marketing ourselves and it’s time to start promoting
Jesus.” (You are not who YOU say you are.)
—Vaughn McLaughlin
Which of those quotes from yesterday’s message speaks to you and why? I’ve got a couple of hours free if you’d like some feedback. God is trying to wake up and shake up some of the foolishness that’s going on in the body and trying to quicken some of us matured folk to the need to be sound theologically as well as practically.
Hit me! I’ll look for you.
—Vaughn McLaughlin